Privacy Policy

About this policy

This policy describes how we use your personal data when you use our website (, subscribe to our newsletter, or when we provide services to you or your child. We have provided this policy to ensure that you understand what personal data we may collect and hold about you, what we may use it for and how we keep it safe. You have legal rights to access the personal data that we hold about you and to control how we use it which are also explained.

We use sub-headings to help you find specific information that you may be looking for more easily, including information about:

Who we are and how you can contact us

What personal data we collect about you

What we use your personal data for


When we need your consent to use your personal data

Personal data you are legally obliged to provide

Your rights to know what personal data we hold and to control how we use it

Automated decision making and profiling

When we will share your personal data with others

How we keep your personal data safe

How we use your personal data for marketing

When we will send your personal data to other countries

How long we keep your personal data

How you can make a complaint

How we keep this policy up to date

Who we are and how you can contact us

We are Norfolk SEN Network, a registered charity whose aim is to help children and young people with special educational needs to find the right educational placement or provision to meet their needs. Where the child is aged 16 or under, we will work with their parents or guardians of the child to meet this aim. Where they are aged 16 to 25, we may deal with the young person directly. Our registered charity number 1044353 and our registered address is 2A Eastern Crescent, Norwich, NR7 0UE.

You can contact us in writing at the address given above, by emailing or by using the contact form on our website. If you would like to speak to us please call us on 0330 043 0225.

What personal data we collect about you

We collect:

The personal information that you provide to us will usually include your name, telephone number, address and email address. If we are providing our services to you, then we will need to ask you to provide some further information:

If you are a young person who we are assisting directly, then we will ask you to provide us with your name, date of birth, details of where you are currently attending school, sixth form, or college, details of your special educational needs, copies of any reports (obtained either by you, or shared with you) commenting on your special educational needs, and any correspondence between you and the school/sixth form/college and/or Local Authority relating to this.

If we are providing assistance to your parents or guardians on your behalf to ensure that you are placed in the best school or given appropriate assistance for your needs then we will be provided with information about you by your parents, which will include your name, date of birth, details of your current school, details of your special educational needs, copies of any reports commenting on your special educational needs, and any correspondence between your parent’s and the school and/or Local Authority relating to this.

Alongside personal data which we receive from parents and young people directly regarding their needs, we may receive further information from the child or young person’s school and from the Local Authority.

What we use your personal data for

We use your personal data in the following ways:


Our website does not collect any identifiable data about you using cookies.

Consent and other legal grounds for processing personal data

Whilst we always want you to be aware of how we are using your personal data, this does not necessarily mean that we are required to ask for your consent before we can use it. In the day to day running of our business we may use your personal data without asking for your consent because:

In exceptional circumstances we may wish to use your personal data for a different purpose which does require your consent. In these circumstances we will contact you to explain how we wish to use your data and to ask for your consent. You are not required to give consent just because we ask for it. If you do give consent you can change your mind and withdraw it at a later date.

Where we process special category personal data (which would include details relating to your or your child’s special educational needs), we are required to have an additional ground for processing that information. The additional ground we rely on is that of ‘explicit consent’, we will therefore only collect and process this information from you where we have your explicit consent to do so.

To help you better understand the legal grounds we rely on for different types of processing, we have set out an overview of the main processing activities we carry out and the relevant legal grounds below.

Categories of personal data used Purpose Legal basis Additional legal ground for processing special category personal data
Name and contact details To respond to your queries regarding our services Legitimate interest (in growing our charity and developing new relationships). N/A
Name, contact details, and your marketing preferences To send you appropriate marketing communications in accordance with your marketing preferences Consent and/or legitimate interests (to grow and develop our business) N/A
Name, contact details, and details relating to your schooling and special educational needs (or your child’s schooling and special educational needs). To correspond with you regarding the assistance you require and how we are able to assist. Legitimate interest (to grow and develop our business) or contract (where you have instructed us to provide services and paid your annual fee). Explicit consent
Name, contact details, and details relating to your schooling and special educational needs (or your child’s schooling and special educational needs). To work with you regarding the steps to be taken to help with getting the needs of you/your child met. Contract Explicit consent


Please refer to the section on How we use your personal data for marketing to read about marketing consents.

Personal data you are legally obliged to provide

You are not under a legal obligation to provide us with any of your personal data but please note that if you elect not to provide us with your personal data we may be unable to provide our services to you.

Your rights to know what personal data we hold and to control how we use it

You have a legal right to know what personal data we hold about you – this is called the right of subject access. You can exercise this right by sending us a written request at any time. Please mark your letter “Subject Access Request” and send it to us by post or email using the details in the Who we are and how you can contact us section.

You also have rights to:

You can find full details of your personal data rights on the Information Commissioner’s Office website at

Automated decision making and profiling

We do not make use of automated decision making or profiling.

You are entitled to ask that we do not make automated decisions about you or use your personal data for profiling purposes. Please refer to the section on Your rights to know what personal data we hold and to control how we use it for details on how to exercise your rights.

When we will share your personal data with others

We share your data with the following people in the day to day running our business:

How we keep your personal data safe

We take every care to ensure that your personal data is kept secure. The security measures we take include:

Unfortunately, sending information via the internet is not completely secure. Although we will do our best to protect your personal data, we cannot guarantee the security of personal data sent to our website; you send us personal data at your own risk. Once we have received your personal data, we will use strict procedures and security features (some of which are described above) to try to prevent unauthorised access.

How we use your personal data for marketing

We will add your details to our marketing database if.

The marketing communications we send are contained within a bi – monthly newsletter which we send either by post or by email, depending on the preference you have indicated.

You can ask us to only send you marketing communications by particular methods (for example, you may be happy to receive emails from us but not post), or you may ask us not to send you any marketing communications at all.

You can check and update your current marketing preferences at any time by calling or emailing us using the details set out in the Who we are and how you can contact us section above.

We never share your personal data with third parties for marketing purposes.

When we will send your personal data to other countries

Your personal data may be transferred to, and stored at, a destination outside the European Economic Area (“EEA”) by us or by our sub-contractors. Where we, or our sub-contractors, use IT systems or software that is provided by non-UK companies, your personal data may be stored on the servers of these non-UK companies outside the EEA. We will take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that your data is treated securely and in accordance with this privacy policy.

How long we keep your personal data

We only keep your personal data for as long as we actually need it. In practice this means that:

Please note that we may anonymise your personal data or use it for statistical purposes. We keep anonymised and statistical data indefinitely but we take care to ensure that such data can no longer identify or be connected to any individual.

How you can make a complaint

If you are unhappy with the way we have used your personal data please contact us to discuss this using the contact details set out in the Who we are and how you can contact us section above.

You are also entitled to make a complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office which you can do by visiting Whilst you are not required to do so, we encourage you to contact us directly to discuss any concerns that you may have and to allow us an opportunity to address these before you contact the Information Commissioner’s Office.

How we keep this policy up to date

We will review and update this policy from time to time. This may be to reflect a change in the goods or services we offer or to our internal procedures or it may be to reflect a change in the law.

The easiest way to check for updates is by looking for the latest version of this policy on our website ( or you can contact us (see Who we are and how you can contact us) to ask us to send you the latest version of our policy.

Each time we update our policy we will update the policy version number at the end of the policy and the date on which that version of the policy came into force.

This is policy version 1 which came into effect on 10th July 2019.

Are you aged 16-25?

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